20 Insanely Creative Fast Food Items You Can't Get In The US


Fast Food brands decided to get a little too crazy with their promotional menu items, and these items you may not eat in the US. From Black Ninja Burger to hot dog stuffed Pizza Crust, these fast food items didn't fail your expectations. We have collected 20 of the weirdest concoctions that McDonald's, the Pizza Hut, and other usual suspects debuted around the world.

1. 15 Strip Bacon Burger - Burger King Japan

2. Black Ninja Burger - Burger King Japan

3. Cheesy Bites Remix - Pizza Hut Middle East

4. Chicken McDo and Spaghetti - McDonald's Philippines

5. Wagyu Pizza - Domino's Australia

6. Double Down Dog - KFC Philippines

7. Adagio Eggplant Burger - McDonalds Italy

8. Ebi Filet O Shrimp - McDonald's Japan

9. Flaming Hot Doritos Quarter Pounder - McDonalds Mexico

10. Foia Gras Burger - Wendys Japan

11. Hot Dog Stuffed Pizza Crust - Pizza Hut UK, Korea, Philippines

12. Kimchi Pork and Szechuan Beef Burgers BK Vietnam

13. Lasagna Sandwich - Tesco UK

14. Mashed Potato Beef Burger - McDonald's China

15. McLobster - Mcdonald's Canada

16. McRibster Deep Fried McRib - McDonalds Austria

17. McRice Burger - McDonald's Asia

18. Cheeseburger Pizza - Pizza Hut UK

19. Pizza Sized Whopper - Burger King Japan

20. Pork and Seaweed Donut - Dunkin Donuts China